Tag Archives: Upper Deck

Explore. Dream. Discover.

“So throw off the bow lines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

Sailboats moaned against dock lines, water lapped against hulls, and halyards pinged against masts in the dark.

I’ve just returned home from a memorable evening with friends at the Upper Deck restaurant at the Willsboro Bay Marina. After dinner we walked out to the western end of dock number two (the dock where Errant spent her first evening this summer.) Miriam wanted us to see the view looking north — past this silhouetted spit of land — toward the mouth of Willsboro Bay.

“It feels, to me,” she said, “like the heart of the Adirondacks.”

And it did. It does.

We stood a while and enjoyed the falling evening. Sailboats moaned against dock lines, water lapped against hulls, and halyards pinged against masts in the dark.

Tomorrow we hope to sail.