With May winding down and weather shifting from soggy to sunny, I finally began readying Errant for another summer on Lake Champlain. Winter cover off, pressure washing and compounding, bottom painting, canvas back on including the brand new genoa,…
There’s so much to do each spring, but I’m fueled with anticipation and enthusiasm during the pre-season commissioning so the chores are actually [almost] 100% enjoyable. Of course, there’s always that one rainy day when planning to bottom paint or an electrical mystery (like connecting to shore power and discover that the onboard battery charger is not working, not working, not working, until, “Oh, the power tower has a tripped breaker! It’s not the boat at all…”)
But the spring checklist is finite, and soon enough it is launch day followed but the much-anticipated shakedown sail south from the Willsboro Bay Marina to our home in Essex.

That first sail of the season always a joy, but this year was perfect. Winds out of the north variable from the high single digits to the mid teens and calm seas. We were wing-and-wing much of the morning, and I even managed to squeeze in a brief snooze at the helm while autopilot was employed on the broad lake. Even my occasionally-nonplussed-about-sailing-bride enjoyed herself. All told, it was the perfect start to a new season.